Cập nhật lúc 17:58, 23/11/2022 (GMT+7)

The University of Law has constantly paid special attention to quality assurance. Quality culture has been shaped in all activities of the University.

The VNU University of Law is a pioneering law training institution in bringing its training programs to accreditation according to regional standards. Currently, the University is the first law training institution in the country that has training programs at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels accredited according to the standards of the ASEAN University Network (ASEAN University Network - Quality Assurance - AUN-QA). The Bachelor’s degree in Law (standard and honors programs), the Bachelor's degree in Business Law, the Master’s degree in Human Rights Law, and the Master's degree in Civil Law and Civil Procedure Law have been accredited as meeting AUN-QA's standards. In the coming time, the University will continue to conduct accreditation for two master’s programs according to the standards of AUN-QA.


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